<aside> <img src="/icons/heart_purple.svg" alt="/icons/heart_purple.svg" width="40px" /> First off, thank you for choosing this template.

As mentioned on the page, this is a simplified version of the first language-learning template I shared. The goal here is that by creating a learning schedule ahead of time (i.e. per 3-month period or whatever you like), you focus on the tasks at hand rather than scrambling to list down what to do daily.

Here’s how I suggest to use this:

  1. I highly recommend going to Motivation & Goals first. You don’t necessarily need to fill it all out but it would be best that you do, especially the Goals section.
  2. By knowing what level you are and what you want to achieve, you can now create a learning plan that would suit you. If you’re independently learning, then AI can help you, not only with creating a plan but actually giving you a daily study schedule. See Study Schedule (example)
  3. Add all the study schedule in Activities. You may easily do so from the dashboard itself using the buttons + Add events.
  4. I also recommend adding a resource or link to each schedule based on the topic.
    1. Check the Learning Plan and More resources for some ideas and suggestions.
  5. Now that your first month is filled out, you can just check the dashboard daily and start learning.
  6. You can check the box Done? when you have completed it.
  7. Lastly, you have a handy donut chart that automatically updates to show you the the proportion of activities (in hours) you did for the current week. Please note that a Free account can only have 1 chart in their workspace so if you already have one somewhere, you may not be able to view this.

❗Check your progress at the end of the month (or whatever period you chose) and see if there’s anything you need to adjust on the next schedule period (better materials, change intensity, pause for life events, etc).
